+353 85 266 0596

2 Easy Steps to see if our Hearing Aids are suitable for you!

Step 1

Have you had a hearing test in the last 6 months?

  • If you have had a test and know your results then please proceed to STEP 2
  • If you have not had a test or do not know your results, You can take a Free online hearing test at https://hearingtest.online/

** For best results please take this test on a desktop or laptop computer.

  1. Please find a quiet place to sit and take the test.
  2. Follow the online instructions and you will generate results close to any in-clinic hearing test.

This is a sample of the hearing results page.

Step 2

If your hearing loss is 54dB or Lower, then they are suitable for you 

  1. Normal Hearing Loss – Up to 15dB 
  2. Slight Hearing Loss – Up to 25dB 
  3. Mild Hearing Loss – Up to 40dB
  4. Moderate Hearing Loss – Up to 55dB

If your hearing loss is 70bB or Higher, then they MAY NOT be suitable for you 

  1. Moderate Severe Hearing Loss – Up to 70dB
  2. Severe Hearing Loss – Up to 90dB
  3. Profund Hearing Loss – Over 91dB

Contact Info


ABEC, Kilbride Ind Estate
Arklow, Wicklow, Y14T440

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